This clan was founded by 3 members that were once very bored and had many, many friends that were polish and also good.  Those 3 members come by the names of Tommy, David P,  David K, and Mark.  Also known on Xbox360 live as TOMMY408, BLUEWRX04, xPLx BOMBERR8, and POLISHKID28 We are a pretty beast clan that would like to be in the top 100 clan list. There are no leaders in the clan but the founders would like to be followed by the recruites. We have around 500 NUKES all together with only 16 members all together. WE ARE ONLY A POLISH CLAN!!! WHICH MEANS THAT  ONLY POLISH PEOPLE GET TO JOIN!!. We are also looking for a person that can video for us and also be able to edit it nicely. We really like to play 4v4 in team tac because it makes it less complicated. If you're Polish and would like to join then please message the founders; most likely TOMMY408 or xPLx BOMBERR8. AND PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS RACIST BUT THIS IS HOW WE STARTED AND HOW WE ARE GOING TO BE FOR EVER WITH ONLY POLAKS. We can be found in the top100clans list
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